Case Study

1. Name of the project

2. Companies
  • Case_printingcompany is a printing offset printing company

  • Test_metalsheetcomany is a metal sheet processing company

  • Both companies are located in the Zürich area in Switzerland

3. Products, flows, processes for the companies

My EP Data



  1. Input: Offset aluminum printing plates: 23'400 units, size per unit: 1030 x 790 x 0.4 mm, weight per unit 0.88 kg, material Al 99.9%, Costs: about 100 CHF/unit

  2. Input: Electricity: 767'000 kWh, costs 0.12 CHF/kWh

  3. Input: Graphic paper: 1’000 tons, costs 1’000’000 CHF

  4. Output: Used offset aluminum printing plates: 23'400 units, size per unit: 1030 x 790 x 0.4 mm, material Al 99.9% Income 1 CHF / kg waste aluminum

  5. Output: waste graphic paper, 300 tons


  1. Preparation printing (test prints)

  2. Offset printing


  1. Magazines, 700 tons



  1. Input: Aluminum plates: 10’000 units, size per unit: 1000 x 600 x 0.4 mm, weight per unit 0.66 kg (total 6’600 kg), material Al 99.9%, costs: about 50 CHF/unit

  2. Input: Electricity: 300'000 kWh, costs 0.12 CHF/kWh

  3. Output: Aluminum waste from laser cutting 2247 kg, Income 1 CHF / kg waste aluminum


  • Laser cutting of Al-plates to a final size of 0.4 x 600 x 800 mm, 50% of the electricity is used for this process


  • 10’000 Al-plates of a size of 0.4 x 600 x 800 mm (4’353 kg)

4. Link flows to processes

Data set management

5. Search for CP & IS potentials

Identification of CP measures – Create allocation

  • Lighting process

  • Printing process

IS -Potential Laser cutting company:

  • Substitution of the Aluminium plates by used offset printing plates from the offset printing company.

6. Cost-Benefit Analysis